The Nine Tastes Of Britain You’ll Miss Most While You’re Away

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When we go on our travels the whole idea is to broaden our horizons, to open ourselves up to new experiences and to live in different cultures. But, however much we do find ourselves doing this, there's always going to be that hankering for the things we enjoy at home – and perhaps nothing does this quite as much as food. That's because it's more than just what we eat to live, it's also loaded with memories and significance for us.

So, just to make sure that you're prepared, here are seven of the tastes from home that you may be most likely to miss.

The Full English Breakfast

How else could we start but with the classic breakfast of bacon, egg, sausage and all the trimmings? Because when you're abroad cafés may say that theirs is a traditional FEB but it won't be. So make sure it's the last brekkie you have before leaving – and if you're too busy packing get Deliveroo to fetch it for you.

Cheddar Cheese

Even though only the tiniest proportion of Cheddar does come from the town in Somerset it's the most widely produced and enjoyed cheese there is. Perfect in everything from welsh rarebit to mac and cheese, the memory of its savoury nuttiness is sure to keep you awake at night, if not to give you bad dreams.

Fish and Chips

The quintessential pairing of fish in crispy batter and thick-cut chips liberally covered in salt and vinegar, not to mention the most famous of Heinz's 57 varieties, is the sort of food that instantly conjures up memories of eating out of the paper by the seaside – and really only the British seaside will do!


It's always been one to divide opinion – apparently, it's genetically determined whether or not you like Marmite – but if you're a lover it's a treat that you're sure to miss. But the good news is that, of all the foods here, it's probably the easiest to carry round in your case or backpack for when you crave a taste of its yeasty goodness.

Chocolate Digestives

The best kind of biscuit is always a hotly-debated topic but you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who didn't like a chocolate digestive, though opinions over dark or milk chocolate may differ. But what really makes one a treat is dunking it in tea - and finding a decent cuppa while you're away is a whole different story.

In fact, this could easily be.

Sticky Toffee Pudding

We've chosen Sticky Toffee Pudding simply because it's our personal favourite but this could also apply to any of those other comforting puddings like treacle sponge or chocolate roll. They're almost unique to British cuisine and, although they're best when it's freezing outside, you could still find yourself missing them when its 30oC in the shade.

Roast Chicken Dinner

Last, but far from least, there's the classic chicken dinner complete with roast potatoes, carrots and rich gravy. Based on no research whatsoever, we'd say this is the most widely requested choice for any homecoming meal, bar none.

So bear all this in mind as you prepare for your trip and maybe try to wean yourself off your personal favourites before you go. Because, once you've gone, it could be a long, long time until you can enjoy your next cheddar and pickle sandwich!


It's undisputable - the 'cheeky' Nando's craze in Britain is world famous. Celebrities like Kanye West have made it their destination when they visit the UK and pop culture is constantly making reference to our favourite food chain. It's also Britain's official favourite first date location!

But unbelievably, there are only a handful of restaurants outside of the UK. Despite Peri Peri chicken originating in Portugal and Nando's originating in South Africa, no country has taken to this chain quite like us Brits.

With the combination of speedy eating, easy self-service, or simple tasty chicken, this is definitely something we bet you'd miss!

English Breakfast Tea

This won't be for everyone, but if you're a big tea drinker you'll be in for a shock once you no longer have access to your staple black teas. In fact, in this extensive study English Breakfast tea was voted the most missed product by Britons moving abroad. High quality black teas are the norm here in the UK it's safe to say we really take this for granted.

Now it's not to say you won't be able to find your favourite brands abroad, but they will likely be ramped up in price to cover the cost of importing from the UK. So if you're going abroad – stock up on your supplies, or ensure your friends/relatives bring you plenty when they visit.

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