The Perks and Drawbacks of Being a Global Nomad
Traveling Abroad
June 24, 2014 at 4:26:30 AM |
Valentin - Nicușor Barbu |
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- The Perks and Drawbacks of Being a Global Nomad
Global nomads are an elusive bunch that never seem to sit still. Always on the move to seek out new places, spaces, and experiences, they can be tricky to pin down. If you want to be a part of this lifestyle, prepare yourself. If you are already living the dream, enjoy and hopefully you will find some familiarity.
1. You are always confused about what time it is because of constant jet lag.
2. You have no idea who to root for during world cups.
3. You are an expert at the art of packing.
4. You always get the best deals on hotels and plane tickets.
5. You are very skilled at making new friends.
6. You are wonderful at communicating without words.

7. You are well-prepared with all manner of medical kits, especially for stomach bugs.
8. You know how to decipher travel warnings to see whether you really should avoid a place or not.
9. You are skilled at making friends with locals and doing all the awesome activities that tourists miss out on.
10. You are magic at haggling.
11. You are a pro at figuring out which app or communication program works best with each family member. Although sometimes some people fall through the cracks...
12. You have had to navigate the difficult seas of a long distance relationship.

13. You have had to fend off more than one person asking when you are going to settle down.
14. You know how to say goodbye.

15. You are great at killing various insects that might or might not be infesting your hostel. Although the insect relatives may fight back…
16. No matter how long on the road nor how uncertain your future seems, you would never trade this life for anything else because you have seen and done more than most people will in their entire lives.
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