Studying Abroad in England

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Are you interested in studying abroad in a country where you already speak the native language, but still want to be immersed in a completely different culture? Do you want to have the option to attend prestigious universities while living in a country with a rich history? England might be the perfect place for you!




England at a Glance:

Domestic population: 53.01 million (2011)

Capital city: London

Official Language: English 

Currency: Pound Sterling

Area: 130,395 km²

Trivia: At its height, the British Empire was the largest empire in history




Where is the best place to study in England?

England has some of the best universities in the world, with well-known names such as Oxford University, Cambridge University, and Imperial College of London, just to name a few. If you’re already studying at a university in your home country, chances are it will offer a study abroad program of either a semester, summer, or full year to a smaller sampling of English universities and sister campuses. Tuition will most likely be handled by paying your university directly. 

Things to consider when picking a University not only include the normal things such as acceptance rate and degree programs offered, but also surrounding location and costs. London, for example, is one of the most expensive cities in the world with apartment rentals running at around £800 for a room in a shared flat. Given that the pound is a strong currency, be sure to consider the exchange rate as compared with your home currency. 

Living farther out of the city will be much cheaper than staying in London, and may give you a better sense of English culture and a taste of the famous and beautiful English countryside.




Programs and Popular Cities

Here are a few of the programs that are available outside of London, to showcase some of the other cities around the country that are worth considering:

Oxford: a city rich in cultural history and a nurturing environment for the diligent student

Cambridge: a little university town with one of the top five-ranked universities in the world

Leeds: the third-largest city in the United Kingdom

Manchester: a lively and cultural city which is a great alternative to London for those looking for a more affordable option. 

  • Manchester University offers semester and yearlong courses

Liverpool: dubbed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the World Capital City of Pop as residents have turned out more #1 singles than any other city

  • University of Liverpool has partnerships with over 100 universities worldwide for those looking to study abroad in Liverpool




Newcastle: known for its proud history of theater and awesome nightlife

  • Newcastle University offers study abroad options for students enrolled at a university that they have a Exchange Bilateral Agreement with 

Brighton: a beautiful seaside city in England not far out of London 

  • University of Brighton has many options


Cost and lodging

Program costs largely depend on your home university’s rates for their study abroad program and for each individual institution’s fees. If you plan on attending school in England for your entire undergraduate academic career, cost for tuition can vary based on factors such as institution, course, location and funding opportunities. 

Costs for international students run at an average of £11,933 per year for tuition fees alone, but can be as high as £38,532 for top postgraduate programs in London. 

UK’s National Union of Students estimates that outside of London, cost of living for students is generally £12,056 for rent, food, and leisure whereas inside of London the cost of living is estimated at £13,388, largely due to higher rent costs. 


In Summary

England is the only country in the world to receive more students from abroad than the United States. Due to the superior level of schooling, wonderful atmosphere for students, and ease for those who are native English speakers (and a great learning opportunity for those who are not), England is an excellent choice for those looking to study abroad. 

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