Intern Abroad in India

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India is a roller coaster of a nation that will take you on a wild ride of extremes from the moment you strap in and touch down. Vibrant, intense, and full of spice, India is in your face and will stay with you long after you are gone. It is also one of the fastest growing and largest economies in the world. If you are looking to break into a new industry or need some important experience to improve your marketability to future employers, then having an internship abroad in India might just be what you are looking for. If you intern abroad in India, then you will gain valuable real world benefits which include learning to work with an international group from all around the world and figuring out how to adapt to a new culture and work flow. Consider coming to this fascinating country and learn to fall in love with a new home. 


India at a Glance

Domestic Population: 1.26 Billion People

Capital City: New Delhi

Languages: Hindi and English (subsidiary) are the official languages of the Union Government of India. However, the governments of the various Indian states have a right to institute a state language so there are many other official languages in India. 

Currency: Rupee

Trivia: The game Snakes and Ladders was created in India in the 13th century by Saint Gyandev.




When is The Best Time to do an Internship in India

While you can find internships all year round depending on the openings available and the program you decide on, your best bet might be to aim for the summers and winters. While the summers are quite hot, there are many positions available to university students and recent graduates. The winter will be more comfortable in terms of temperature, but you will have a shorter internship. Internships usually last a minimum of one month and are traditionally two or three months. If you are really determined, then you can find an internship that will last one or two weeks. 


Programs and Popular Cities

There are a variety of internships available in all fields with many different types of experience levels. India is a great place for internships that involve technology, business and finance, media, and NGO organizations that work for gender equality and the growth of sustainable infrastructure. 

New Delhi: The vast and bustling capital is a great introduction to India and has a whole host of industries to interest you. You could work in finance, manufacturing, hospitality, law, and non-profits. 

  • InternshipDesk New Delhi

Mumbai: The major city has a little of everything. It is a hub for IT businesses, Bollywood, fashion, medicine, and journalism. 

  • World Internships Mumbai

Other popular areas include: Madurai, Chennai, Kolkata, Udaipur, Jodhpur.




Housing Options in India

While working on an internship in India, you will be either placed in an apartment with other interns or you will be put in a homestay. There are some companies that will only allow women to stay in a homestay due to cultural reasons. The apartments or homestays will be located near your internship so that you will be able to go work quickly and easily every day. 

If you are placed in a homestay, be warned that the food you eat will be local and not like most of what you find in Indian restaurants. If you are a vegetarian, then India is one of the best places in the world to be since much of the population follows a vegetarian diet.  


Costs of Internship Programs in India 

The cost of a month-long internship starts at $2,000 and typically goes up to close to $3,000. Two month programs cost around $3,200 and then continue up to $4,400. These costs include placement, orientation, housing, and insurance. Some programs also include field trips to nearby interesting sights. Some programs will also allow you to extend your internship on a week by week basis for a fee.




You will likely need an employment visa to be able to intern abroad in India. However, internship placement programs will usually either handle your visa for you or will facilitate the visa process by placing you with a local company and obtaining the letter of invitation. 


Wrap Up 

In this increasingly globalized world, it is extremely important to show that you can not only handle an international workplace but that you have already had experiences that prove your work ethic and flexibility. India is an extremely important economy and there are many multinational companies that have offices in many cities in the country. You be able to hone your skills, spice up your resume/CV, and network with a diverse group of individuals. Get out of your comfort zone and really see what the world has to offer in India.

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