Intern Abroad in England

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A seamless mix of history and modernity, England is an excellent place to go for a fascinating internship. Whether you choose to live in cosmopolitan London or academic Oxford, there is something that will appeal to everyone. You will get to learn valuable workplace skills as you explore the “real world” alongside your English cohorts. In this globalized world, you will need to be able to compete with others who have international experience and so an internship in England would definitely give you an edge. 

You can explore any number of fields during your internship including acting, finance, marketing, hospitality, and fashion. Whether you choose to continue in these professions or switch to something else entirely different, a stint in England will look great on your resume (or Curriculum Vitae). The sky is the limit when you have a wealth of opportunities at your fingertips in England. 


England at a Glance

Domestic Population: 53.5 million

Capital City: London

Language: English

Currency: Pound

Trivia:  Champagne was actually invented in England by scientist Christopher Merret in 1662.



When is The Best Time to Intern in England

Depending on your schedule and whether or not you are still in school, you can find an internship that lasts the summer, or goes through the fall, or begins in the spring, and you might even be able to find a yearlong internship program. If you are still a student and looking to get a head start in your future career, there are even some programs that offer a dual study abroad and intern abroad option. 

There is never a bad time to start looking for an internship. As a student, you have two to three months off where you can explore internships in a variety of places and fields. Some programs last a minimum of eight weeks which would still give you plenty of time to enjoy your summer. You could even do an internship each summer during your university years. 

Adults who have graduated or are looking to switch careers might benefit from a fall, spring, or yearlong internship program. This would give them a longer time to build up experience, establish networks, and to form deeper relationships with coworkers and bosses.



Internship Programs and Popular Cities in England

An important consideration when looking for an internship position is to look at whether or not it is paid. A good way to find paid internships is to either ask at your university career center or to look at popular news websites in England. If the position is unpaid, then you can check to see whether the position can transition into a paid opportunity in the future. 

Some opportunities will offer a stipend which is used to cover your living arrangements and maybe some of your meals. You should also see if the internship has the possibility to turn into full-time employment at the end of your program.

London: This international city is a center for business, the arts, and history. Soak in the bustling metropolis and expand your acting, marketing, computer science, and tourism skills. Just think of a field and London is sure to have it. 

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Oxford: This is the town for academics and academia. With 38 colleges all concentrated in this city, you will be sure to find a great internship in an interesting field and maybe learn something in the process. 

Manchester and Liverpool are two other great destinations especially if you are looking for long-term internships and paid opportunities.



Housing Options for Interns in England

England is a wonderful country with plenty to offer but it can be quite pricy. This is especially the case with London, which is one of the most expensive cities in the world. Internships tend to not come with dorms like study abroad programs, so you will most likely be on your own during the search for accommodation. 

One of the ways that you can cut down on costs is to share an apartment. You can find plenty of people advertising a room in a flat usually with a shared bathroom. In London, having a flat in the city proper would facilitate transportation to your work and would allow you to explore the city during your free time. You could probably find cheaper places to stay on the outskirts but you do need to factor in the cost of the commute and the time it would take.

You could also look into hostels and serviced apartments. This is a great way to meet people and to also have flexible housing that would allow you to move if you wanted to rather than being locked into a lease. This would be a good option for summer internships.



Costs of Internship Programs in England 

Many of the internship programs are either unpaid or you will need to spend money to participate in the program. If you are worried about funds, then you can look into scholarships and grants that help students or graduates with their careers. 

Programs range from $750 to $10,000 and up. The internship programs that cost $3,000 and up tend to include housing, airport pickups, activities, and even insurance. For programs that are less, you need to check on what is included in the fee. 

If you are able to find a paid internship, then you will most likely be responsible for covering everything.



In order to be able to work as an intern in England, you will have to have work visa. You can apply for one after you have been accepted into a program and the employers have sent your letter of sponsorship. 


Wrap Up

England is the perfect place to go for your internship because not only will you have the rest of the United Kingdom at your fingertips, you can also explore the rest of Europe. You will be able to translate the skills gained during this internship time into the future and you might make some very important connections that can help you in your career. It is never too late to become an intern, especially in such a vibrant country, so give England a shot.

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