Finding Internships in Austin, Texas

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Texas is the second most populous and the second largest of the 50 states in the United States of America. Though most of the state is politically conservative, the city of Austin is an artsy, student-populated, musically-happening, overall cool alternative-minded city. 

Austin is also Texas’ capital city, as well as the eleventh largest city in the United States. As far as internships go, given it’s such a fast-growing city with a big student population, Austin can be the perfect environment for finding a great internship match.




What’s Austin like?

Austin has been dubbed the “live music capital of the world,” as it has more live music venues than any other city in the United States.  The city motto is, "Keep Austin Weird" as a tribute to the city’s eccentricity and diversity, as well as the effort to support small and local businesses. Funny enough, there are also more bloggers in Austin than in any other US city. 

Austin has also been the winner of many prestigious titles over the years. Money magazine named it the No. 2 Best Big City in "Best Places to Live" in 2006, and No. 3 in 2009. MSN named Austin the "Greenest City in America," CBS placed it in their top ten best places to retire, and Travel & Leisure magazine ranked Austin No. 1 on the list of cities with the best people, basing their selection on the personalities and attributes of the citizens. 

Weather-wise, Austin has a humid subtropical climate that experiences hot, humid summers and mild winters. Austin receives a fair amount of sunshine and light rainfall year-round. Every now and then, drought is a big problem in this area. 

Transportation-wise, though Austin does have busses and a developing metro, residents generally have their own cars to get around.




What kinds of internships are available?

The University of Texas at Austin is the fifth largest university in the United States, with an undergraduate enrollment of 50,000 students. The student community is a vibrant one, big into sports like (American) football and Greek life (fraternities and sororities). 

Other Austin-based universities include St. Edward's University, Austin Community College, Concordia University, Huston-Tillotson University, the Seminary of the Southwest, the Acton School of Business, Austin Graduate School of Theology, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Virginia College's Austin Campus, The Art Institute of Austin, Southern Careers Institute of Austin, Austin Conservatory and a branch of Park University. 

With so many students everywhere, is it competitive trying to get internships? Not necessarily, and it depends on the industry. Austin has a huge tech scene with plenty of startup and engineering options. Given Austin is the capital city of Texas, it also has plenty of options for political science and law majors. Additionally, Austin is a big financial hub with numerous opportunities for those looking to get into accounting or banking.




How to find internships in Austin, Texas

Students at the University of Texas have access to Hire Texas: AccessUT, where employers can post opportunities, both internships and full-time gigs, for students to peruse. There is also the Texas Politics Project which provides opportunities for UT students to search for political jobs and internships. 

For those who are not students at University of Texas and don’t have access to those databases, check with your university to see if something similar is provided. If not, InternMatch and both regularly post opportunities. 


In Conclusion

Austin is a great place to be any age, but particularly for 20-something students. The vibrant nightlife, super-cool environment, and wealth of students all contribute to making Austin a city that most agree is excellent to live in. Though not as easy to navigate without a car as some other major US cities, busses are available and campuses like UT provide just about everything a student could need on campus. If you’re considering getting an internship, Austin, Texas might be perfect for you. 

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