Adapting To The New Zealand Way Of Life

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New Zealand is famous for being a wonderful holiday destination with beautiful scenery and great people, so it is no surprise that many people take advantage of the opportunity to live and work in the country. However, while taking a holiday in the country opens up some aspects of life in the country, the way of life in New Zealand can take some time to adapt to as it is quite different to that found in many other parts of the world. Communities in New Zealand are very inclusive and you will often find that social events such as barbecues and house parties are common ways to enjoy an evening or a weekend with friends and colleagues.

Working In New Zealand

One of the interesting aspects of working life in New Zealand is that there is a strong work ethic that simply looks to get things done as opposed to looking for guidance on what to do at every sticking point. This means that many people who have worked in other countries may be unfamiliar with the relatively low levels of intervention from management, and in many cases the management in the country will be a little more informal than you may have encountered elsewhere.

Achieving a good work life balance is an important part of the working culture in New Zealand, and you will find that many workplaces will have regular coffee mornings or buffet parties to celebrate birthdays or other important occasions. There are eleven public holidays throughout the year, and most people are given a minimum of four weeks annual leave, which is an attractive package for most people moving from other countries.

Maori Culture

The history and culture of the indigenous Maori people is one that is seen throughout the country, and there are plenty of chances to experience some of their traditions and beliefs while living in the country. This is particularly seen in 'manaakitanga', which is a tradition of hospitality to all visitors which is one that is now common throughout New Zealand culture, and has helped the country to become a popular tourist destination. The most famous aspect of the culture is the Haka, the war dance that is commonly displayed by the New Zealand rugby team before their matches, while you will also see plenty of people displaying their traditional Maori tattoos.

Maori traditions and the Maori facial tattoos are a celebrated part of the culture in New Zealand. Attribution: Robert Linsdell

City Life Or Country Life?

Most of the people who move to New Zealand will find that they take jobs in the big cities such as Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, although it is also possible to find roles that are in the country or in villages and small towns. The cities tend to be the most cosmopolitan offering the best range of facilities, but the lifestyle in the country can be more relaxed, with beautiful scenery and smaller communities offering a different way of life. One of the most interesting things to consider is that New Zealand's cities, unlike in many other countries, still has a majority of homes being detached with their own garden, which is great if you are looking to raise a family.

The beautiful surroundings of the country are a great reason that many people choose to move here. Attribution: Jocelyn Kinghorn

Sport In New Zealand

Like some of its Southern Hemisphere neighbors, sport plays a massive role in New Zealand, and this ranges from rugby and cricket through to all manner of adventure sports you can enjoy in the country. If you are looking to experience the thrill yourself, then hiking, mountain biking and white water rafting are popular activities, while those looking for a special event can also enjoy bungee jumping and skydiving. When it comes to watching sport, cities across New Zealand will have their own rugby teams, while watching the All Blacks play is one of the biggest occasions of the year.

The haka is performed before New Zealand rugby games, and is an iconic part of these huge sporting occasions. Attribution: Natural-Heart

New Zealand's Food And Drink

Another aspect that can take some time to get used to in New Zealand is the cuisine of the country, which is a blend of the European cooking styles brought by colonial settlers and the traditional cuisine of the indigenous Maori population. Enjoying a hangi dinner is a Maori tradition, while the abundance of fresh ingredients and meat produced in the country means it is possible to eat well, while British staples such as fish and chips are also popular in the country.

New Zealand is one of the great 'New World' producers of wine, which means that it is inexpensive and very good, while there are also plenty of breweries in the country making beer, stout and ales. 

Social Events

The social life in New Zealand is another reason that many people move to New Zealand, and once you have settled in your community you will find that you are often invited for barbecues, or parties where you bring a plate of food. This is a great way to meet and socialize with your friends and neighbors, and also allows you to share some of your favorite dishes. There are also plenty of other opportunities to socialize, with sports and special interest clubs along with plenty of school events to join if you have children.

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