8 great reasons to live in Spain

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Thinking of moving to Spain? It can be a wonderful experience to head to a warmer climate, and there are lots of great reasons why Spain could be the right place for you. Whether you are moving here for a career opportunity, planning for your retirement or are simply looking for a change of scenery, Spain is a fantastic choice.

Nevertheless, choosing to leave behind your old life and move away to Spain can feel like a very drastic step. Of course it will be a big change but it can be the best decision for your life. But if you still need convincing that this is the right move for you, here are eight benefits from living in Spain

1. Mediterranean diet

Spain is a remarkably healthy place to live. The combination of fine weather and the famously wholesome Mediterranean diet make this a brilliant place to be whether you are bringing up young children, moving for retirement or anything in between. You'll also find that the quality of healthcare is very high should you encounter any medical trouble while you live here.

2. Family-friendly lifestyle

There is a true focus on family living in Spain, as large meals and get-togethers are the norm in Spanish culture. When you move here you will be taken in by this wonderful way to live. This is one of the top reasons why Spain can be a great place to come if you have a young family.

3. Investment opportunities

Property investment in Spain is gaining ground again. It's no secret that house prices here slumped dramatically through the recession but now that we seem to be moving past the worst of the issues, Spain has a number of locations where highly desirable property is still undervalued.

Now is an excellent time to make the move if you're interesting in making property investments especially if you are moving to Spain anyway. 

4. The weather

The superb weather is one of the top reasons that Britons choose to move away to Spain. While it is rarely the primary cause for people to emigrate it does make the country a very attractive option. In the Costa del Sol for example, there is an average of 320 days of sunshine. And perhaps the main advantage is that Spain is a very dry country, so for anyone looking to escape the dreary British climate will find their heaven.

5. The beaches

And you can use the great weather in conjunction with Spain's gorgeous sandy beaches. It's not that the UK doesn't have some beautiful beaches of its own, but there really is no comparison with Spain's sunny coastline. No matter where you are thinking of moving to, the beach is never far away. Even in the capital Madrid, located in the centre of the country, you are only around three hours away from the coast by car.

6. Cost of living

While some things in Spain are undoubtedly more expensive (and the cost of living has been on the rise), on the whole the prices associated with living here are very similar to those than you'll find in the UK. This might not seem like a positive, but given that the quality of life here can be considered higher than in Britain, Spain is definitely an upgrade.

When you consider that property prices are much lower than in the UK, this can be seen as a major benefit. And, most importantly, wine and other alcohol is much cheaper in Spain! 

7. The people

Spanish people are renowned for their friendliness and hospitality – you'll find that getting settled into the lifestyle here is easy. One of the reasons that Spain has become such a popular destination for expats is the ease of integration into society.

Speaking of the expat community, this can also be a great reason to choose Spain if you're thinking of moving abroad. Lots of Brits already live in Spain, so it's easy to find expats to ask for advice and share experiences with. This can really make living abroad far more relaxed and pleasant. 

8. Transport links

One of the worries for many people leaving the UK for Spain is that it will be hard to leave your family and friends behind. But this need not be a concern because it is very easy to get back to the UK thanks to the excellent transport links. Low-cost carriers like Ryanair and EasyJet offer very regular flights the UK from all across Spain, plus large prestige airlines including British Airways and Iberia serve the majority of the country too.

Of course, Spain's convenient location also means it is well connected with Europe and the rest of the world too. With international airports dotted throughout the country you can easily reach Africa, Asia and of course the European mainland. 

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