7 Science-based Benefits of Family Vacation

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If there is anything everyone could agree about vacation, it is that it takes you away from your daily stress, and probably for once, after a long period of repeated hard work, you get the chance to relax.

One of the fun-filled types of vacation is the family trip. It creates the opportunity for all family members to reunite without the distraction of personal daily tasks.

Over the years, researchers have been trying to understand the benefits of family travel beyond the general notion that it is filled with leisure activities and that it is fun, such as when traveling in a Rockwood Mini Lite 2109S.

Stronger family bond and memories

Different research works have confirmed that recreation and leisure activities positively affect family bonds.

The first researcher to explore this was a scientist named Klausner in 1968. He examined a 3-month vacation taken by manual workers and discovered that extended leisure offers greater personal and family integration.

Since vacation is usually filled with leisure activities, it is expected to create memorable experiences for everyone.

It can also encourage children to share secrets with their parents, thereby making them get along better and improving loyalty and comfortable communications among family members.

Strengthens marriages/relationships and reduces the possibility of divorce

Relationships and marriage dynamics are changing due to the increasing stress of traffic and workplace demands. The amount of time spent among lovers has dwindled.

Family vacations to escape daily routine and stressors help improve relationship satisfaction levels.

Studies by scientists have revealed that leisure activities during a couple's vacation positively impact their marital satisfaction. According to the authors of a study titled Leisure-activity patterns and marital satisfaction. A further test, published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 1988, "leisure with a great deal of communications is important to maintaining the wife's marital satisfaction when she is faced with a large number of stressful events."

A related study by another scientist, Marta Hill, affirmed that increased amounts of shared leisure significantly reduce the probability of divorce or separation.

Improves quality of life and general well-being

Travel has also been scientifically proven to directly impact personal health aside from boosting better relationships among lovers and family members.

Some studies ascertained that travel considerably contributes to reducing work and domestic stress.

People who travel tend to live a satisfactory life. This was disclosed in a study conducted by researchers at the University of Wollongong, Australia.

The authors noted, "The findings…strengthen the argument that leisure at home is not the same as leisure away from home, and that these two kinds of leisure independently contribute to the quality of life".

Increases children's generic skills

A study titled Family tourism improves parents' well-being and children's generic skills published in the journal of Tourism Management examined 217 families with elementary school children who went on family holidays.

It was discovered that the experience positively improves the generic skills of young family members. A detailed analysis revealed this is possible because of the parents' better well-being, which was facilitated by the memorable happenings during the travel.

Cardiovascular health benefits

Several studies have noted vacation improves cardiovascular health. One such study observed that men at risk of heart disease who did not go on a vacation for five consecutive years are 30 percent more likely to suffer heart attacks.

Traveling at least once a year reduces this risk.

In women, studies confirmed those who skipped vacation consecutively for six years were eight times more likely to suffer heart-related diseases when compared to others who take a vacation at least once a year.

Reduces risk of dementia

In a 1995 study examining 2,040 people aged 65 and older, for 3-year, it was discovered that social and leisure activities significantly lower the risk of dementia.

The researchers in the publication of the study's result recommended travel as one of the ways to reduce the risk of dementia.

Boosts productivity and creativity

Undoubtedly, you want a promotion at work. Employees with better productivity stand a better chance of getting promoted. Meanwhile, increased work hours are not equivalent to higher productivity.

Going on vacation has been proven to help the mind relax. A relaxed mind emanates a happy mood, and happy workers are almost 13% more productive.

This translates that if you aim to get a pay raise soon, working round the clock may not help you.

Companies pay for productivity, not hours of work. That is why people get sacked, not because they do not show up at work, but because their productivity is below the expected.

Taking a vacation could be the key to propelling your career.

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