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0 reviews - United Kingdom - London
Join our Computer Assisted Language Learning course to develop your ability to use computers and smartphones in your classroom. The course is completely online and can be completed at your own convenience. The course will be completed through 5 modules. The course will take you from the basics to develop an in-depth understanding of which...
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0 reviews - United Kingdom - London
Join the Grammar Course for a comprehensive introduction to English Grammar. This course is perfect for students of English or teachers. This course will help you to develop your understanding of Grammar and will be a great addition to your CV when you are applying for jobs in the TEFL world. The course is a 5 module introduction into the...
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0 reviews - United Kingdom - London
By joining the ICAL 150 hour TEFL certification, you will enjoy a comprehensive program which is taught completely online, and completely at your own convenience. By completing this course you will become certified as an English Second/Foreign Language instructor. This will allow you to apply for employment opportunities in both private and public...
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4 reviews - United Kingdom - London
Join our ICAL 120 hour TEFL Certification and enjoy a comprehensive program that is completely online. Become a certified English as a Second/Foreign Language instructor which will allow you to apply for employment opportunities in both private and public education institutions around the world. Five Modules make up the course and each of...
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